We can help you get your ducks in a row...

There are a variety of Trust Services you can choose from to help meet your specific needs.
Revocable Living Trust
- A trust can be altered or cancelled while the grantor is still living. Only after the grantor passes away, does the beneficiary receive any property placed in the trust.
Irrevocable Trust
- The trust cannot be modified or terminated without the beneficiary's consent. The grantor transfers their right to ownership into the trust.
Testamentary Trust
- The trust is sometimes referred to as a will trust and is created upon the death of the grantor.
Mineral Trust
- The mineral title is transferred into a trust. The owner of the minerals is typically still the beneficiary depending on how the trust agreement is written.
Charitable Trust
- An irrevocable trust established to invest and manage charitable donations.
Marital Trust
- A trust established to support a surviving spouse and heirs. Assets will be moved into the trust upon a spouse's death.
Education Trust
- A trust created to support someone through their education.
Special Needs Trust
- Physically or mentally disabled person can be supported while not diminishing their eligibility for public assistance.
There's still time, visit with us today!
Call Sundi Lagge in the Trust Department at 701-463-2262, or email for more information.
| Not FDIC Insured | Not Bank Guaranteed | May Lose Value |
Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency | Not a Bank Deposit |
Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency | Not a Bank Deposit |